Learners Stories

Modern, connected spaces and the latest technology make education more accessible
Brooke Anderson has faced tough challenges during her Graphic Design and Communication program at NBCC. Her father got sick, and she needed to care for

A new look for NBCC graduates
NBCC graduation ceremonies will have a fresh look and feel this year with the introduction of new graduate gowns and v-stoles. The Class of 2023

Meeting learners where they are in life
At NBCC, every learner has a backstory, a chronicle of what has brought them to post-secondary education at this point in their lives. It’s up

Taking PRIDE in our culture of belonging
On a hot Sunday in August, a group of NBCC staff, students, and alumni showed up loud and proud for Fredericton’s annual Pride parade. With

Tapping into the power of education to change lives
In 37 years at NBCC, Heather Hatheway has been witness to a lot of change: staff, technology, academic delivery methods, and, of course, students, have

Growing New Brunswick’s engineering technology workforce
Canada’s science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) sector is expanding faster than its workforce, and that means opportunity for those who choose a career in

Student-led COPD clinics combine treatment and experiential learning
NBCC is proud to celebrate National Respiratory Therapy Week, October 22-28, an opportunity to celebrate the respiratory therapy profession and the outstanding dedication and passion

Dima makes it to Canada, thanks to Ukrainian Student Bursary
When NBCC established a new bursary program in June 2022, the plan was bold yet simple – to support students impacted by the ongoing conflict

“We can do that!”: History meets technology in applied research project
A wealth of Fredericton history that was until now locked in handwritten documents is now accessible to all, thanks to an applied research partnership between